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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bud Light Lime

With all of this sunshine so far in June, by far the most popular beer must be Bud Light Lime. Or perhaps it would be, if it was available for purchase in Victoria. Many people who have visited the States in the past few years have tried this beer, and were excited to find out that it was available in Canada. However, due to the incredible heat wave at the beginning of June and the subsequent weeks of sunshine, Budweiser was unable to meet demand in Victoria. Bud Light Lime comes from the UK, so this has something to do with the shortage.

Hillside Liquor Store has yet to receive a shipment of Bud Light Lime (BLL for those in the know), and doesn't anticipate receiving one until possibly Wednesday June 17, or maybe not even until June 22. Random phone calls to other stores around town and checking the BC government liquor store website have shown that Bud Light Lime is out of stock all over town!

In the meantime, what can someone do? The Bud Light Lime website (http://www.budlightlime.ca/bll.php) claims that it is a premium light beer with 100% natural lime flavour. Although the website does not say lime juice, if you are hoping for a similar taste, why not try any of the following beer, and squeeze your own limes into it:
Dos Equis Lager
Red Stripe
Phillips Phoenix
Sleeman Original Draught
Bowen Island Lager
Alexander Keith's IPA
Pabst, Blue, Kokanee, Canadian, Budweiser,Coors, Raineer, Old Stock, Pilsner, Pacific Pilsner, Pacific Dry...

Any light, crisp beer works well with lime juice. Why not just get your current favourite beer, and combine it with one of the limes that Hillside Liquor Store sells for $0.50? Perhaps it will be an even better taste sensation than BLL.