Wish that you could buy those delicious spicy beans that come with your Caesar? Well, now you can.
Hillside Liquor Store has recently started selling Blaze's Beans. Blaze's Beans started in Vancouver in 1995, as a response to a demand for something other than boring old celery to garnish the delicious Caesar. Now, Blaze's Beans are available all over North America, and are used for much more than just Caesars (or the American equivalent, Bloody Mary).
Blaze's beans are pickled with garlic and spices giving them a nice tang, good crunch and a little lingering heat. Personally, I eat them straight out of the jar, but they are also great with cheese and crackers, in a grilled cheese sandwich, in wraps or sandwiches, or even on pizza!
They really are "The Best Damn Spicy Beans".